All images on and her sub directories are ©2000-2025 by Bright Promise and The Land of Rhul unless otherwise stated. Nothing may be removed without prior consent from her.
Many of the creatures are adopted from other sites and most are unique cyberpets. Unique cyberpets are only meant to be adopted out to one person, so please leave these images on If you desire a unique creature, please consult the page of the cyberpet, all images are linked back to their original creators making it easy for others to adopt their own.
Webpage graphic sets in Elaria are not to be removed without permission. Permission can be granted by emailing Bright Promise and discussing a deal.
All stories are originally created for use on the Elaria website. Stories in Elaria are not to be removed or duplicated without permission therefore email Bright Promise before using any works.
Page Last Modified on March 12 2012
Elaria ©2000-2025 Bright Promise
unless otherwise stated.