Lady LilyDon Lio

"Welcome to the Den of Alsan's Trees!" a little voice calls. "We were the first registered den and we are run by Bright Promise of Hearth." Looking around, you see a red female swishing her long, silky tail back and forth. "Were you interested in joining us? Maybe your owner wanted to foster from us?"


Name ID Gender Mate Rank Lineage Owner
Ashmere kj004f Female Lenndel Secondary Wild x Wild Bright Promise
Halqem kj005m Male Olaela Member Wild x Wild Bright Promise
Lady Lily kj002f Female Don Lio Lady Wild x Wild Bright Promise
Don Lio kj001m Male Lady Lily Don Wild x Wild Bright Promise
Lenndel kj003m Male Ashmere Secondary Wild x Wild Bright Promise
Olaela kj006f Female Halqem Member Wild x Wild Bright Promise


Name ID Gender Lineage Owner

Reserved Breedings

Herd of the Sand Bandits is an open herd, meaning you do not need to ask permission to sign up for a breeding from this herd. However, we do ask that you notify us if you decide to foster a foal from us so that we may keep our records up to date.


If you have a Kujiin pair interested in joining the herd, please e-mail Bright Promise at with the following information:

Female Kujiin's Name:
Female Kujiin's ID#:
Female Kujiin's URL:
Female Owner's Name:
Female Owner's E-mail:
Male Kujiin's Name:
Male Kujiin's ID#:
Male Kujiin's URL:
Male Owner's Name:
Male Owner's E-mail:


The Land of Rhul

If you came from an outside website, you can find the main website here.